05 February 2009

Farewell to C'Zarke and Adana Maza

Wednesday 4 February 2009

C'Zarke initially carried out research into the legal rights of refugees and asylum seekers in Thailand. He was able to use this research in a series of workshops attended by members of our community. For the past few months he has been looking after the needs of our asylum seekers.

Adana, in addition to her work in the BRC's clinic, has put a lot of time into further development of our HIV/AIDS, family planning and clinical education programs.

C'Zarke and Adana Maza at BRC snack bar & Coffee Garden on Wednesday 4 February at 3.00pm

After 6 months in Thailand working with the BRC they are heading backto Australia to meet up with their families and resume their careers.

Arthur Mangan
Resource Mobilization & Volunteer Recruitment Officer

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