24 February 2009

Picture from my Mind, 24 Feb 2009(2)

"Picture From My Mind"
Art Exhibition Finale & Silent Auction
Brought to you by Searchofsanuk.com in association with the Time Bank Society.
Proceeds go to refugee and asylum seeker artists and assistance to asylum seekers at the Bangkok Refugee Center
 Saturday 28 February from 6pm til Late
Venue; Moddy Restaurant & Gallery, 18 Ari Soi 4 North
BTS: Ari Station, Exit Door 3 toward Soi Ari
Please RSVP by 5 pm on Thursday 26 February

Wine Tasting - Remember your 200 Baht admission includes wine tasting from 6-8pm (if you paid your admission fee at the opening night, you don't have to pay again on Saturday). Be there early to enjoy a really good drop of wine as you place bids on works of art by refugees and guest artists. By your request we'll have a chilly surprise waiting for all you wine connoisseurs.
Raffle - As with the Grand Opening there are many prizes to be giving away on the evening. These include artworks by the refugees, art lessons with Chalit Nakpawan, gift certificates for beauty products and other surprises.
Silent Auction - Be sure to participate in our silent auction. For a this all you have to do is make your way to the upstairs gallery and find the form of the painting you want to make a bid on! There will be volunteer there to assist you. No hassles, no fuss. Just make sure you keep an eye on the bidding. After all you want to make sure that you are the highest bidder for your favourite painting at the end of the night! Give your registration number and contact info and the price you want to bid.

Arthur Mangan
Resource Mobilization & Volunteer Recruitment Officer
Bangkok Refugee Centre
5 Intamara 35, Suthisarn Road
Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Telephone: +66 2 277 1753 Ext: 106
Fax: +66 2 277 6606
Email:  arthur.mangan@gmail.com 

Exhibition - The exhibition includes many works by refugees and asylum seekers at the Bangkok Refugee Center. Many of the works were done by children, some of who have experienced more turmoil back in their home country than many of us can even imagine. Come and support them and have a chance to see special donated artwork from artists in Thailand, Japan, and the United States. We're joining forces!

Great Company - Come mix it with the best! Meet people working on all kinds of projects to create change in our community. Jump in! This is what In Search Of Sanuk was created to encourage. This project will be the beginning of many more thanks to you!
See you there at 6pm or whenever you can get there and here's the map again so you can be sure you find us:

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